A Photographic Atlas of North American Birds

Feature image for post on Birds of North America: A Photographic Atlas.

“Let’s face it, pictures of birds are boring.” Or so said the American author and devout birder Jonathan Rosen in one of the many articles he has published in the New York Times. Some of us would disagree with such a blanket statement. We find pictures of birds, whether they be paintings or photographs, quite … Read more

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An Apology for the Adverb

Photo of James Baldwin for the Adverbs post.

At first glance, the adverb may not seem like the most fascinating subject under the sun. In fact, this part of speech has sparked many passionate debates among editors, writers, and those of us who simply like to read. The current controversy is easy to summarize: Should writers avoid using the adverb entirely, or should … Read more

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Butterflies of Manitoulin Island: An Informal Survey

Feature photo for the Butterflies of Manitoulin Island post.

At the end of July, my wife and I left Toronto to spend a week in a cottage on Manitoulin Island. The largest fresh-water island in the world stretches across the top of Lake Huron for 160 kilometers (100 miles). It takes the better part of seven hours to drive there from Toronto, so I … Read more

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Three Swans: A Visual Haiku

Feature photo for the Three Swans post.

I took this photo of three Trumpeter Swans on the shore of Lake Ontario about five years ago. The way it sets up, with the swans on either side looking in the same direction, and the one in the middle turned slightly away, reminds me of the structure of classical haiku. As you may know, … Read more

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Mammals of the Leslie Street Spit, Toronto

Photo of a Red Fox for the Mammals post.

More than twenty species of mammals have been recorded on Toronto’s Leslie Street Spit, an artificially constructed peninsula that juts into Lake Ontario from the city’s east end. With more than three million people, Toronto puts the kind of pressure on its parks and green spaces that should eliminate any hint of the wild and … Read more

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Audubon Again: Another Look at the Fair Incognito

Audubon's Gyrfalcon: featured image for Audubon Again post.

I have been thinking and writing about Audubon’s story of the Fair Incognito, the woman who commissioned him to draw her portrait in the nude, for the past two or three years. I kept returning to the subject because I never thought I really understood why the artist felt compelled to set this story down … Read more

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The Omnipotent Goddess of Spring

Feature photo for spring post.

My friend and sometime birding companion, Lynn Pady, recently sent me a copy of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ “The Windhover,” a poem about the bird we call a Kestrel. I don’t know for sure but suspect this may be a product of spring fever on Lynn’s part. It’s not the first time she’s emailed me this … Read more

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Parlez-moi d’amour: Is this the most romantic song ever recorded?

Photo of Lucienne Boyer from 1939.

I’ve been listening to Lucienne Boyer’s recording of “Parlez-moi d’amour” (1930) on and off for about twenty-five years and have never grown tired of hearing it. I came to the song through a two-disk CD I bought of chansons françaises, the type of music performed in the cabarets and music halls of Paris over the … Read more

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Nature’s Narcissist: The Prothonotary Warbler

Feature photo for the Prothonotary post.

At some point over the long course of its evolution, the Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea) developed the peculiar habit of staring at its reflected image in the still waters of the swamps that it calls home. This mirror gazing does nothing to advance either of the bird’s main aims in life, which are to eat … Read more

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